New Database Available - Released on 23/03/2024.
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OR1C1 Q15619 100 homo sapiens MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ...
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homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... n-amyl acetate 12348 628-63-7 PGMYKACGEOXYJE-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCCCCOC(=O)C mono 1 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... Cyclohexanone 7967 108-94-1 JHIVVAPYMSGYDF-UHFFFAOYSA-N C1CCC(=O)CC1 mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... 2-heptanone 8051 110-43-0 CATSNJVOTSVZJV-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCCCCC(=O)C mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... acetophenone 7410 98-86-2 KWOLFJPFCHCOCG-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... 2,4,5-trimethyl-2,5-dihydro-1,3-thiazole 181287 60633-24-1 AIVVNNYXOSPRCW-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC1C(=NC(S1)C)C sum of isomers 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... (-)-menthol 16666 2216-51-5 NOOLISFMXDJSKH-KXUCPTDWSA-N C[C@@H]1CC[C@H]([C@@H](C1)O)C(C)C mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... (+)-menthol 165675 15356-60-2 NOOLISFMXDJSKH-AEJSXWLSSA-N C[C@H]1CC[C@@H]([C@H](C1)O)C(C)C mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... 1-butanol 263 71-36-3 LRHPLDYGYMQRHN-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCCCO mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... 2-butanone 6569 78-93-3 ZWEHNKRNPOVVGH-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCC(=O)C mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... 2-decenal 5283345 3913-71-1 MMFCJPPRCYDLLZ-CMDGGOBGSA-N CCCCCCC/C=C/C=O mono 1 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... 2-ethylfenchol 106997 18368-91-7 KIPCKEJKGCXRGA-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCC1(C(C2CCC1(C2)C)(C)C)O sum of isomers 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol 7144 93-51-6 PETRWTHZSKVLRE-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC1=CC(=C(C=C1)O)OC mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... 4-methylvaleric acid 12587 646-07-1 FGKJLKRYENPLQH-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC(C)CCC(=O)O mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... androstenone 6852393 18339-16-7 HFVMLYAGWXSTQI-QYXZOKGRSA-N C[C@]12CC[C@H]3[C@H]([C@@H]1CC=C2)CC[C@@ ... mono 0 secondaryScreening 2.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... bourgeonal 64832 18127-01-0 FZJUFJKVIYFBSY-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC(C)(C)C1=CC=C(C=C1)CCC=O mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... butyl acetate 31272 123-86-4 DKPFZGUDAPQIHT-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCCCOC(=O)C mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... butyric acid 264 107-92-6 FERIUCNNQQJTOY-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCCC(=O)O mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... caproic acid 8892 142-62-1 FUZZWVXGSFPDMH-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCCCCC(=O)O mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... cineole 2758 470-82-6 WEEGYLXZBRQIMU-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC1(C2CCC(O1)(CC2)C)C mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... cis-3-hexen-1-ol 5281167 928-96-1 UFLHIIWVXFIJGU-ARJAWSKDSA-N CC/C=C\CCO mono 0 secondaryScreening 2.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... citral 638011 5392-40-5 WTEVQBCEXWBHNA-JXMROGBWSA-N CC(=CCC/C(=C/C=O)/C)C mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... decyl aldehyde 8175 112-31-2 KSMVZQYAVGTKIV-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCCCCCCCCC=O mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... diacetyl 650 431-03-8 QSJXEFYPDANLFS-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC(=O)C(=O)C mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... diallyl sulfide 11617 592-88-1 UBJVUCKUDDKUJF-UHFFFAOYSA-N C=CCSCC=C mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... diphenyl ether 7583 101-84-8 USIUVYZYUHIAEV-UHFFFAOYSA-N C1=CC=C(C=C1)OC2=CC=CC=C2 mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... ethylene brassylate 61014 105-95-3 XRHCAGNSDHCHFJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N C1CCCCCC(=O)OCCOC(=O)CCCCC1 mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... eugenol acetate 7136 93-28-7 SCCDQYPEOIRVGX-UHFFFAOYSA-N CC(=O)OC1=C(C=C(C=C1)CC=C)OC mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... eugenol methyl ether 7127 93-15-2 ZYEMGPIYFIJGTP-UHFFFAOYSA-N COC1=C(C=C(C=C1)CC=C)OC mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... (-)-Fenchone 82229 7787-20-4 LHXDLQBQYFFVNW-OIBJUYFYSA-N C[C@@]12CC[C@@H](C1)C(C2=O)(C)C mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0
homo sapiens OR1C1 Q15619 MEKRNLTVVREFVLL ... androstadienone 92979 4075-07-4 HNDHDMOSWUAEAW-VMXHOPILSA-N C[C@]12CC[C@H]3[C@H]([C@@H]1CC=C2)CCC4=C ... mono 0 primaryScreening 1.0